Friday, March 25, 2011

What would your Great Grandpa think?

Do you ever wonder?  I do.   My Great Grandpa Chester was a man's man, he was a farmer, a craftsman and a gentleman.   He has been gone for quite a while now and I wonder what he would think of me; and my friends for that matter.  A bunch of city slickers with dishpan hands is what he would think.  Sure he would be proud of us for having 'real' jobs and making money but he would also be a little disappointed because we don't really DO anything.  What I mean by DO is, when was the last time you changed your own oil, or built a piece of furniture or just got dirty doing something with your hands?  ...and no, planting flowers doesn't count.

It's time we DO something we (and others) are proud of.

1 comment:

  1. He would say, better get the hose and washit off the white fence!
